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Spring Dance Camp: Around the World of Dance

Wynton Rice, Camp Director and Main Instructor
April 14-18, 2025
9:00 am-2:00 pm
Ages 7-13

This April recess we will be exploring African diasporic movement. Classes will be in dances rooted in the African continent and in stomp and tap. This beautiful experience will culminate with a chance for the students to share what they have learned at the end of the week. Open to all levels ages 7-13 years old.

Camp Director Wynton Rice spent 10 years performing internationally with the Garth Fagan Dance Company and also taught at the Garth Fagan Dance School. He will be joined by world-class guest instructors.

Each day will include morning technique classes, alternating by age group. After a break for lunch, afternoon sessions will include workshops in other dance styles.

This camp is a true immersion into the world of dance – offering a comprehensive and educational experience into some of the newest and most traditional dance forms. We look forward to dancing with you during break week!

Participants must provide their own bag lunches and snacks. Space is limited – register early!

Dance attire for this class: 

  • Footless or convertible tights or pants or shorts

  • Solid colored leotard or solid colored t-shirt

  • Barefoot OR dance shoes

  • NO street shoes on the marley floor

  • Hair pulled back

  • No excessive jewelry

Register Now!

Click here to register or call 585.454.4596. Limited spots available!

FEE: $20 registration fee; $365* tuition.

* Learn more about our Tuition Assistance by clicking here.