#ROCtheDay with The Hochstein School on December 3!
ROC the Day (roctheday.org) is a 24-hour online fundraiser powered by United Way, coinciding with the nationwide Giving Tuesday on December 3, 2024. Through ROC the Day, you get the opportunity to support hundreds of nonprofit organizations, all across the Greater Rochester area, including Hochstein!
Participating is easy – you can donate via credit card or via PayPal, and donations can be made through the website or by phone at 1-800-242-0238 between 12:00 am and 11:59 pm on Tuesday, December 3. You can donate to as many participating organizations as you wish to – no minimum or maximum donation.
CLICK HERE to support Hochstein on ROC the Day 2024.
Here at Hochstein, we’re proud of the good we do for the community, both at our downtown location and beyond our walls at 24 community partners. We provide tuition assistance and tuition-free programming to more than 2,000 students annually and offer individual and group therapeutic arts sessions onsite and at 76 offsite locations.
With your support this Giving Tuesday, we can break down barriers of access and bring high-quality arts education to students of all ages, abilities, and socio-economic backgrounds. Thanks to individuals like you, we can continue to bring our passion for music and dance to thousands of children, youth, and adults in the City of Rochester and the surrounding region.
CLICK HERE to join our mission by supporting our school directly.