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Dance Savings!

Take one dance class at full tuition, get a second (or more) age appropriate class at 50% off! 50% discount applies to the lower tuition fee.

This class is not being offered in the 2024-2025 school year.

Children's African Dance

Adrianne Santucci, Instructor
Saturdays - 9:00-10:00 am

ages 7-12



Embark on an exciting journey into the world of African dance! Discover the joy of moving to vibrant rhythms and beats in this energetic class. Students will be guided through the fun steps while exploring the rich cultural stories behind the dances. Join us for this rhythmic adventure!


Dance attire for this class: Comfortable clothing, dance or jazz shoes, or bare feet (as directed by the instructor), no sneakers.


Fee: $20 registration fee; $148.50* per quarter (9-week session). For students enrolled in individual lessons at Hochstein (only one dance class or FUNdamentals class qualifies for the discounted class rate), the reduced tuition is $81 per quarter.

Full year tuition is $594* payable in quarterly installments of $148.50 per 9-week session or the reduced fee of $324 payable in quarterly installments of $81. First class is already discounted 50%, so additional classes will be discounted 50% of full tuition. 50% discount applies to the lower tuition fee. (Fees are as of Fall 2024.)


Start anytime! Tuition will be prorated accordingly if enrolling after the start date.


Learn more about our Tuition Assistance by clicking here.


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Click here to register or call 585.454.4596.