Adrianne Santucci, Instructor
Tuesdays 5:00-6:00 pm
Ages 4 to adult
Explore the world of African dance and learn basic drumming techniques, too, in this fun, intergenerational class that welcomes all family members!
Participants are not required to own a djembe to take this class, but if you have one, bring it along!
NOTE: Students ages 4-6 must be accompanied by an adult in class. The class tuition will be waived for an adult accompanying one or more children ages 4-6.
Dance attire for this class:
Comfortable clothing, dance or jazz shoes, or bare feet (as directed by the instructor), no sneakers.
FEES: $20 registration fee; $96 tuition. For second or more household member(s), tuition is $48 – 50% off. OR $51 for children enrolled in individual lessons at Hochstein during summer session (only one dance class or FUNdamentals class qualifies for discounted class rate). (Fees are as of Summer 2024.)
SPECIAL DANCE SAVINGS: Take one Ballet or Dance Styles class at full tuition, get a second (or more) Ballet or Dance Styles class at 50% off! 50% discount applies to the lower tuition fee. For students already receiving a discount for individual lessons, the second additional class is 50% of full tuition (not the discounted amount).
* Learn more about our Tuition Assistance by clicking here.