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Hochstein Youth Singers’ hold masked, socially distanced Barnyard Sing
On Saturday, September 19, the Hochstein Youth Singers' year got under way with a Barnyard Sing at HYS Director Maryellen Giese’s farm – with everyone masked and properly distanced so they could sing together. Both ensembles – Hochstein Youth Singers and the older Hochstein Singers students – are working on social justice repertoire this year. The day was all about being together, meeting the new singers, and seeing and interacting with each other in person.
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“Complete Violinist” workshop explores role of music in our lives
This summer, Pia Liptak held the first “Complete Violinist” workshop series – which reprises this fall, starting on Wednesday, October 7. In addition to talking about violin techniques like harmonics and shifting, one whole session is dedicated to discussing the role of music in our lives. Read on to hear more from participants in the class, and see a video.
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Hochstein horn students persist with online lessons
Despite having his wisdom teeth removed in July, Fairport 11th grader Kyle Kasprzak still took his horn lessons online with Colleen Wolf this summer even brought his horn along to have a lesson while he was on vacation. Colleen says, “This is the beauty of virtual learning – it can be done from anywhere!” 
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Saxophone student making great progress in online lessons
​​​​​​​Nine-year-old Layne Hine started taking saxophone lessons at Hochstein in January 2020. He had two months of lessons in-person and since March has continued his lessons online. Layne says, “I love the saxophone and look forward to playing music every day.”
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HochStrings is more than just an orchestra
This past spring, the HochStrings Adult Chamber Orchestra continued to meet even after the start of COVID-19, moving to Zoom instead of gathering in person for rehearsals at The Hochstein School. HochStrings Director Pia Liptak says, “It was wonderful to stay in touch, to catch up with each other, and of course play. Everyone has become friends and more than just a member of an orchestra.” 
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Rob Goodling learned from many teachers
Hochstein music history instructor Rob Goodling can trace his musical lineage through J.S. Bach and Josquin Des Pres, all the way back to John Dunstable in the 14th century, thanks to a college professor who shared this musical genealogy with him. Goodling himself has had an impact on many students over the years, including an opera superstar ...
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2020 Honors Convocation features 16 talented Hochstein students
Sixteen talented Hochstein students in grades 5-12 will be recognized at the Honors Convocation on Sunday, June 14, 2020 at 2:00 pm. These include winners of Hochstein Merit Scholarships and three seniors who are completing the Honors Certificate Program. They each will perform solo pieces ranging from Bach, Saint-Saёns, and Vivaldi, to Bartók, Copland, and Villa-Lobos. 
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Eric Logan explains “Why the cello and why now “
Hochstein Board Member Eric Logan is the grandparent of former Hochstein students, an occasional bass addition to Hochstein’s treble choir ensembles, and emcee at Hochstein’s Holiday Prism concert. But until recently, he wasn’t a Hochstein student. Here he is to tell us more in his own words …
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Hochstein students perform recitals – on Zoom!
About a dozen times during the school year, students who take individual lessons at The Hochstein School perform during our All-School Recitals. With the Hochstein building closed and students staying home during the corona virus pandemic, in recent weeks the recitals have taken to a new platform – Zoom! On Saturday, May 2, 12 students performed their recitals on Zoom, with approximately 30 family members watching (muted and hidden from view).
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Expressive Arts student Kieran loves a musical challenge
Kieran is 7 years old and has been a Hochstein student for more than five years. He is a smart, funny boy who also happens to be blind and have some other special needs. His mother tells us, “He started in the FUNdamentals classes at age two and progressed through Musical Stepping Stones. For about the last two and a half years, he has taken piano lessons through the Expressive Arts program. “In FUNdamentals, Kieran’s teacher truly went ‘above and beyond.’ ..."
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