Sandra Boysen Sluberski, RYT500, Director
Ages 14+
Kirtan is a type of call-and-response singing based on Sanskrit chants – it can be thought of as a type of sing-along like campfire singing, but with ancient roots in India. The wallah (leader) sings the mantra (chant) and the group sings it back. As participants sing with one another, each experiences a connection to self, others, and something bigger than the collective whole.
Kirtan helps quiet the mind and relax participants, and it helps eliminate stress. Participants can sit on the floor, in a chair, or whatever comfortable position they prefer (yoga mats recommended for participation).
In this class, participants will learn both the words of the mantra in the original language as well as the English translation. Participants will be given pitches for the mantras from Tibetan singing bowls and a harmonium (reed organ).
NOTE: This class is being held in person but open to those who wish to take the activity online as well.
Please note: Safety protocols will be followed for in-person classes including daily health screenings, appropriate distancing, and masks – when applicable. See details here.
Fee: $10 registration fee; $102* tuition; $78 for students enrolled in individual lessons at Hochstein during summer session. (Fees are as of Summer 2021.)