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Welcome to the HochShop!

The HochShop is now closed for the 2023 Holiday Season

Here's how the HochShop works: The shop does NOT have merchandise already ordered and created! Please understand that each item is custom created to your order. Take special note of sizing as orders cannot be returned. 

When you place your order the merchandise is then ordered for printing or embroidering AFTER the store closes.

Once all the orders are received, the items will be customized and then sent to your home.

This year's HochShop closed on Friday, November 3, 2023. Orders will be delivered the week of December 3, 2023. Plenty of time for the holidays!




Once the store closes, the merchandise will be ordered and printed and/or embroidered. Please be patient! 
The orders will be  shipped directly to you the first week of December.

Please note that there will be no free pick up at Hochstein.