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Hochstein cello student Kaia Behr solos with RPO

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Hochstein cello student Kaia Behr solos with RPO

Kudos to Hochstein student Kaia Behr, who performed during the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra’s recent Gala Holiday Pops concerts! 

A student of Kathy Kemp (pictured here along with conductor Jeff Tyzik), Kaia played “Silent Night” on cello and then switched over to singing a jazzy version of “Jingle Bells.” 

Her parents, Juliana Athayde and Erik Behr, are members of the RPO, Juliana as RPO Concertmaster and Erik as Principal Oboe. Juliana said they were “so proud and in awe of Kaia - performing with ease and joy for thousands of people all week.” 

KaiainConcertino_webKaia has been a student at Hochstein for 6 years and is currently a member of Hochstein Concertino Strings (seen here at the November HCS concert), in addition to taking individual lessons with Kathy. 

Congrats, Kaia!

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