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Expressive Arts student gives back to the community

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Expressive Arts student gives back to the community

Josh Tunningley, a longtime student in Hochstein’s Expressive Arts program, wanted to give back to his community, so he organized a “Day of Giving Back” on Friday, November 17 at Pieters Family Life Center in Henrietta, sponsored by the Flower City Down Syndrome Network.

Josh_DAY-OF-THANKS_w...Families attending were asked to bring food items for a local food pantry and participants also worked on making cat toys to be delivered to a local animal shelter, creating cards to be sent to veterans or delivered to a local senior living facility, or filling shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.

Josh also performed at the event with Hochstein music therapist Nick Lord. Thanks to Hochstein Expressive Arts Chair Jennifer Phillips for the picture.

Kudos to Josh for his service to the community!

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