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Expressive Arts student Kieran loves a musical challenge

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Expressive Arts student Kieran loves a musical challenge

Kieran is 7 years old and has been a Hochstein student for more than five years. He is a smart, funny boy who also happens to be blind and have some other special needs.

His mother tells us, “He started in the FUNdamentals classes at age two and progressed through Musical Stepping Stones. For about the last two and a half years, he has taken piano lessons through the Expressive Arts program. “In FUNdamentals, Kieran’s teacher truly went ‘above and beyond.’ ..." 

"Most weeks, she would sit down at the piano with him after class to help to foster his piano abilities. He enjoyed playing the keys, started to develop an understanding of octaves (hmm, there is something about this C and that C that sound the same…), and enjoyed listening to his teacher play simple tunes.”

Kieran says he loved getting to learn about many different instruments in the FUNdamentals class, ranging from the piano to the vibraslap!

“Shortly after his time in FUNdamentals,” says Kieran’s mom, “we learned that Kieran had perfect pitch and were happy to learn that his new piano teacher, Miss Kristina, was also excited by this! Miss Kristina has an amazing ability to teach and inspire Kieran despite, or perhaps because of, his challenges. She figures out what he needs to learn and provides it. 

“Kieran loves the challenges that she provides—his best moments are when she really challenges him musically. It all works because she provides the combination of structure and fun that he needs!”

We are so glad you’re here, Kieran, and honored to work with you at Hochstein.

Kieran, outside Hochstein after his music class in 2014. 

Music FUNdamentals class in March 2018 (Kieran is in the back at right)      

Kieran in a recital in December 2018.

Kieran with his piano instructor, Hochstein music therapist Kristina Jewell.



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