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Hochstein Dance Faculty - Glenne Miller

Department: Dance

Joined Hochstein faculty in: 2023 - 2024

Glenne Miller is a movement researcher, performer, and freelance choreographer in the Rochester, NY area. She developed her love for movement while attending the University of Utah and receiving a BFA in Modern Dance. Her research explores the body’s natural reaction to laughter and humor while also incorporating other artistic mediums such as painting, film, and music composition in her work. She currently teaches marketing and business at the Aquinas Institute in Rochester and enjoys finding new ways to combine her dance practices with the education system. Glenne is excited to continue her research in hopes that it builds bridges to connect communities across the globe.


More About Glenne Miller


Hometown: South Riding, VA 

What inspires me: Stories, poetry, and pedestrian tasks

Why the arts matter: Art is more than a way of expression; it helps us understand the world around us. A practice that makes sense of all noise until it is a cascading rhythm of raw material that awakens all of our senses. Art is how we know we are living. For me, art is the only sure thing in this world; and that is truly an intriguing thought to hold close to your heart. Experiencing life outside of yourself keeps you humble, kind, and compassionate. Art gives us a way to practice those skills while having fun!

Favorite things to do in the Rochester area:  I love trying different kinds of restaurants! Rochester has some pretty cool food!

When I’m not at Hochstein, you can find me: At a bookstore, snuggling some dogs, and spending time with my nieces and nephews 

My favorite local restaurant: Selena's - I love me some tacos! 

Favorite places to travel: Japan, Germany, and Iceland

Favorite TV Show right now: Gilmore Girls

What people would be surprised to know about me: I can speak and read in German; writing is coming along.