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Watch Evan's video introduction for this class:

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Contemporary Classical Ensemble

Evan Meccarello, Conductor

NOTE: This class will not be held in the 2021 fall school year session. 

Ages 13-18
Open to Strings, Winds, and Guitar
Level Requirements: NYSSMA Level 4 and Higher

Safety protocols will be followed for ALL in-person classes including daily health screenings, appropriate distancing, and masks.



Not your average music making experience! Perform music created by composers of our time and explore new ways to connect to other musicians in live performance. Learn how composers can give musicians freedom to act on their own imagination while fitting into a planned piece. Engage with video projected on the wall that structures our performance.

This edition of Contemporary Classical Ensemble will perform video-notation pieces by Jimena Maldonado and Nathaniel May. Jimena Maldonado is a composer and photographer who melds both art forms to create playful musical scores out of photographs. Composer Nate May wrote the piece Liquid Animal, using a video scrolling score that moves! Other works based on text, guided improvisation, and video will be explored, including music by Sophie Stone, Pauline Oliveros, and more.

Here's a sample of one of the pieces to be played, which draws inspiration from a French painting:

Some of the music is meditative, some energetic, and all will challenge you to listen and build each moment with your fellow musicians.

Feel free to contact conductor Evan Meccarello at evan.meccarello@hochstein.org with any questions. Meccarello is the founder and conductor of the Hochstein Alumni Orchestra.

In addition to instruments, participants will need one electronic device that can play video (phone, laptop, or tablet).

FEES: $10 registration fee; $85* tuition; $65 if enrolled in individual lessons at Hochstein. (Fees are as of Spring 2021.)


Click here for information about our Tuition Assistance.